Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen Tukur Buratai on Monday assured that the Chibok Girls would be rescued. More than 200 girls were abducted at night from their hostel in Chibok High School in April 2014 as they prepared for their final exams. A few later escaped but the majority have remained in captivity ever since.
Gen Buratai gave the assurance while addressing newsmen at the Third Quarter Conference of the Chief of Army Staff which took place at the Army Headquarters in Abuja.
He maintained that while the military has a fair idea of their location within Sambisa forest, the safe return of the girls remains the priority.
His words ;
“The issue of the Chibok girls is very crucial. We are making all efforts to clear the terrorists and after clearing them we rescue the Chibok girls in one piece. I believe that the girls must be somewhere within the general area of the forest but we are not yet sure exactly where they are but as soon as this is confirmed we will attempt to see what we can do to bring them back in one piece. It is very crucial because their safety is very important.
“They could be somewhere else, so we are taking this issue in piecemeal so that we are sure of where we are and how we are going about it and we believe that we can find a solution to it very soon."
He added that the Army is working together with the Air Force and the Department of State Services to achieve the objective.
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