Following the recent murder of an 80 years old vigilante leader in Kankara village of Kankara local government area of Katsina State by unknown gunmen, Gov Bello Masari has ordered the immediate removal of the DPO in charge of the area. He also ordered the redeployment of all key police officers serving in Kankara Division.
Eyewitnesses said that armed attackers on motorcycles stormed Kankara late in the night, blocking the main entrance to the village and shooting sporadically before invading octogenarian Baba Koshe's home.
By the time they left, the old man and his son in law were dead and two other people were injured. Eyewitnesses said that there was no response from the police while the attack lasted.
Gov Masari who was among the early sympathizers at Baba Koshe's home condemned the attack and promised that government would bring the perpetrators to book.
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