A drama ensued on Tuesday morning in Abuja at the Code of Conduct Tribunal sitting as Senate President, Dr Bukola Saraki initially refused to enter the dock to answer to the 13-count corruption charge preferred against him by the Federal Government of Nigeria.
The trial had begun at 10.32 am but Saraki succumbed to the wish of the tribunal to mount the dock at 11. 24 am.
Following the Senate President's refusal to stand up when his case was mentioned, Tribunal Chairman Justice Danladi Umar insisted that he should leave his seat and enter the dock.
When Saraki who was sandwiched by friends and colleagues called the bluff of the tribunal by remaining seated, Justice Umar queried ;
“Where is the prosecution? Is the accused person here?” Meanwhile he was looking directly at Saraki from his elevated position.
Prosecution Counsel, Mr Rotimi Jacobs answered immediately;
“My Lord, I cannot see him. I think the right thing is for him to enter the dock first, then we will announce our appearances. Thereafter, the charges will be read to him."
But defence counsel, Mr J B. Daudu had a contrary opinion.
“With profound respect to the chairman and member of this tribunal, I disagree with my learned brother that we should enter appearances first. The order of this tribunal was that the accused should be produced today. It was not for him to enter his plea. The case was earlier adjourned for mention,” he argued, citing an Appeal Court decided case in Igbeke vs FRN, 2015, 3 Nigerian Weekly Law Report, NWLR.
Eventually, Dr Saraki reluctantly mounted the dock to enter a plea of "I want to say that I am not guilty" after complaining that the tribunal did not give him a chance to rectify the anomalies in his assets declaration forms.
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